
Full NameMohammad Ashrafuzzaman
SSC Batch1994
Father's NameMd. Nurul Anwar
Present AddressHouse-116/5, West Chatar, College gate, P.O.- BOF, P.S.- Gazipur Sadar, Dist- Gazipur.
Blood GroupA+
Permanent AddressVill: Dewan Nagar, P.O.-Hathazari, P.S.- Hathazari, Dist.- Chattogram
Mobile Number01826000196
Payment Information
Date of Birth10/11/1979
Member TypeGeneral Member
Present OccupationOffice Superintendent, BOF, Gazipur
Payment OptionbKash
Sender Mobile Number01826000196
Membership fee (General)500
Approved? (Admin-only)
  • Approved
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