
Full NameMd. Zahid Karim Bipu
SSC Batch1989
Father's NameLate Fazlul Karim
Present AddressRokeya Garden , House no-23, Road-5, Block-A, Pallabi, Mirpur-12, Dhaka
Blood GroupA+
Occupational AddressH-2207, Road-03, Block-4, Saupta NM Housing, Pallabi, Mirpur-12
Permanent AddressRokeya Garden , House no-23, Road-5, Block-A, Pallabi, Mirpur-12, Dhaka
Mobile Number01716004464
Payment Information
Date of Birth02/03/1974
Member TypeLifetime Member
National ID No.19742692502547398
Present OccupationBusiness
Membership fee (Lifetime)5000
Payment OptionCash
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